Many people are looking for a cash injection after the holidays and many will be thinking of taking out a payday loan. But I suggest that you apply for a cash advance loan instead. The reason I suggest this is because a payday loan must be repaid with your next pay check and this usually has borrowers in a fuss worrying about how they're going to make the full repayment.
With a payday loan the maximum you can borrow is $1500 and they can become expensive if the original repayment date is not met. Borrowers are usually faced with further costs to re-establish the loan for another pay period. If you apply for a cash advance loan, you will be able to borrow up to $2500 with more flexible payment terms and this is sometimes a lot easier to manage if you already are Credit0ly burdened.
Apply for a cash advance loan if you are looking to consolidate a few smaller high interest loans, because this will not only be the cheaper option to go for, but also give you more available cash at the end of each month. If you're looking to increase your credit score, then having fewer loans is a good idea. Rather have one large loan with payment terms of up to 60 months, than a lot of smaller high interest loans that you are battling to repay.
Cash advance loans are also available to borrowers with bad credit and even bankruptcy in their history. Even though there is no guarantee a borrower will be approved, it is still worth a try before applying for a payday loan. When you apply for a cash advance loan we will endeavor to match your application with the right lender to help you get approved no matter what.
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